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Past Event

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The Queensland Chapter of the French Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (FACCI) was delighted to invite you to its Executive Women Series event: Overcoming Challenges and Thriving in Diverse Industries hosted at the premises of our corporate member, PwC.

We had the pleasure to hear from three executive women representing various industries:

-     Health: Sarah Lindeman, Corporate Affairs Lead - Vaccines, Sanofi

-     TransportAnjuna Singh, General Manager - Passenger Transport Strategy and Technology, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

-     Finance: Samantha Vidler, Queensland Managing Partner, PwC

The panellists shared inspiring stories with a diverse audience, spanning the different phases of their careers. They discussed the benefits of identifying strengths, weaknesses and passions early in one's career, and to use these to grow into leadership positions.

They also provided practical insights on creating and seizing career opportunities, navigating professional and personal challenges, and cultivating leadership and mentorship skills.

A special appreciation goes to Jeanne Vallade, our FACCI QLD Chapter Secretary, for her outstanding moderation of the panel discussions. We would also like to thank Jean-Francois Tixeront, a FACCI QLD Councillor, for warmly welcoming the attendees and opening the event. Our gratitude extends to Erick Regnard from Ian & Erick, a multi award-winning photographer, for capturing the essence of this beautiful event.

Lastly, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all attendees for gracing our event, and to PwC, for graciously hosting us and providing a delicious seated breakfast. 

Our Speakers

  • Sarah Lindeman (Corporate Affairs Lead - Vaccines at Sanofi)

    Sarah Lindeman

    Corporate Affairs Lead - Vaccines at Sanofi

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  • Joanna Sheppard (Chief Executive Officer at Queensland Farmers' Federation)

    Joanna Sheppard

    Chief Executive Officer at Queensland Farmers' Federation

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  • Anjuna Singh (General Manager - Passenger Transport Strategy and Technology, Translink Division at Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads)

    Anjuna Singh

    General Manager - Passenger Transport Strategy and Technology, Translink Division at Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads

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  • Samantha Vidler (Managing Partner at PwC Queensland)

    Samantha Vidler

    Managing Partner at PwC Queensland

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  • Jeanne Vallade (Special Counsel - Commercial and Corporate Lawyer at Holding Redlich)

    Jeanne Vallade

    Special Counsel - Commercial and Corporate Lawyer at Holding Redlich

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