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Thursday, October 27, 2022 (07:00 - 09:00) GMT+10

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Level 38, Riverside Centre
123 Eagle Street

Brisbane, QLD, Australia

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QLD | T&I Series: Gold Coast Light Rail: Project Successes, Updates & Further Opportunities Industry Breakfast

The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry in Queensland was pleased to invite you to its second Transport & Infrastructure industry breakfast dedicated to the Gold Coast Light Rail Project (GCLR) on Thursday 27 October at the premises of our Corporate member Ashurst.

This event aimed to bring together private and public companies to discuss project successes from Stages 1 & 2, updates on current stage 3 project and further opportunities with GCLR Stage 4 project, currently under Business Case.

A big thank you to our 4 panelists for taking the time to discuss this incredible project and sharing their expertise:

Sally Stannard: Deputy Director General (TransLink) of Department of Transport & Main Roads

David Franks: CEO of Keolis Downer,

Phil Mumford: CEO of GoldLinQ

Peter Papantoniou: Project Director Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3 of Department of Transport & Main Roads

Finally, we also would like to thank our Sponsor & Patron member Keolis Downer, proud operator of Gold Coast Light Rail and our host Ashurst which kindly provided a light buffet and drinks. To conclude, we would like to thank Michael Carreiras, head of FACCI Transport & Infrastructure subcommittee, for his fantastic job as the facilitator of the event.

Looking forward to see you soon!
