Past Event
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Queensland Chapter hosted its 2022 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11 May at the Brisbane Business Hub.
The AGM provided an opportunity to present the Chamber's activities and financial results from 2021, as well as set out our focus for 2022 and beyond.
At the event, we heard from Richard Watson, Acting CEO of Trade & Investment Queensland, who spoke on the France-Queensland trade relationship.
We were glad to announce the appointment of 20 Councillors, including 8 new ones and 5 who are continuing for the second year of their 2-year mandate.
Congratulations and welcome to the incoming Councillors who will be joining our team:
ยท Sebastien Colette
ยท Helene Daniel
ยท Fabrice Jeannin
ยท Oliver Matschke
ยท Eric Michallet
ยท Betty Moinet
ยท Melissa O'Rourke
ยท Remy Scotto D'Apollonia
Farewell and best wishes to our outgoing Councillors for their precious contributions to the Chamber and our Queensland Chapter: Laurent Chaveron, Christopher Edwards and Julie Miehe.
Congratulations to Julie Miehe for her incredible support to the Chamber and well-deserved Honorary Life Membership!
The AGM was followed by a Cheese & Wine Degustation generously sponsored by our Corporate Members McCullough Robertson, Wearing Memories Wine Merchants and Reward Hospitality!